The first way is Aromatic -

One way to use the oils aromatically is by using a diffuser. I turn on our diffusers multiple times a day in our house – we have them in every room and it’s fun to choose the oils based on how you are feeling. There are so many effective combos. It’s not just for the pretty factor. It’s absolutely scientific to affect your mood and to lift the energy in the house. It’s also so much more healthy for your home environment than using candles or room plugins as those have a lot of unnecessary and toxic ingredients in them – especially if you have anyone in the home with respiratory issues.


Citrus oils are great at cleansing the air and lifting spirits. I love to use Adaptiv when I’m feeling stressed or I just need to create a calming environment. Eucalyptus is one of my favorites for cleansing the air and I always like to use a touch of Lavender as that’s such a beautiful and multipurpose oil. My favorite combo recently has been our Elevation blend with our Balance blend. There are many amazing diffuser blends and as you get to know the oils you will see the many ways that diffusing has a positive effect on you and your home. One of the great things about doTERRA oils is that you will get nothing synthetic  which is a huge benefit to keeping your home environment toxin free. Alternatively, you can just use them in your hands. Add a drop of balance or Adaptiv or Peppermint – whatever oil is calling you based on how you are feeling and you can just cup your hands and breath them in. This hits your olifactory system so quickly and effects your health and mood working to bring you back into homeostasis.

The second way is topically -

There are many topical rollers available through doTERRA and these are prediluted. So when you are using them on your skin it’s best to dilute especially when first starting with oils to see how your skin reacts. I’ve personally never had any skin sensitivity, but one note is that you don’t want to use citrus oils out in the sun – that can cause your skin to burn.

A few examples of topical uses - you can use Lavender for burns, scrapes, cuts, it’s also very calming and soothing to the emotions. Peppermint is great for head tension, a bit of extra energy or tummy upsets. Adaptiv Touch helps to calm stressful feelings – this is a constant by my desk and in my oil bag. Those are just a few examples - there are so many more and a lot of varied uses for topical application.


The base carrier oil in doTERRA’s touch rollers is fractionated coconut oil. You can also make your own touch rollers at home if you have the pure oil and a rollerball. It’s super fun to create combos too.

The third way is internally -

You can use them internally by for instance dropping in a glass of water. I just grab my great big bottle of water and add a drop or two of citrus. This is gently cleansing to the system and tastes amazing! My favorites are Grapefruit, Clementine, Tangerine and Wild Orange. There are a lot to choose from and you can make some fun combos.

You can also put them in empty capsules so if you are working on an oil protocol you can add specific oils in a capsule to take internally.


The other thing is just dropping a drop under the tongue. Something you can do for your own daily wellness is put a drop of Frankincense right under your tongue – it’s a really helpful way to support cellular vitality. There are hundreds of scientifically studied uses for Frankincense including how it supports cellular health, brain health, skin health and so much more. I personally take a drop of Frankincense and Copaiba each night for cellular and immune support.

One thing to note on doTERRA oils is that if an oil is safe to use internally you will see a Supplement Facts label on it. If you don’t see that label that its not for internal use.

So the three ways to use them are Aromatic, Topical and Internal.

Maybe you've been hanging out here a while or maybe you are brand new? I truly believe you are not here on accident. Have you been seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Gentler ways? Closer to nature? I would love to offer you a sample of doTERRA essential oil to experience. I have been using natural remedies for over 25 years and I truly believe in the power and potency of these beautiful oils. 💛

Did you know that every oil can have an emotional benefit as well as a physical benefit? Essential oils can be supportive for Stress, Sleep, Energy, Skin, Pain, Reducing toxic load and so much more.
Request your sample here