Bring the cozy, inviting aromas of fall into the home this season with the “Gathering Blend”.

Harvest Spice consists of Cassia, Clove, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon Bark. Bring the cozy aroma of fall into your home this season! I suggest stocking up, because this will go fast! 🍂 

  • Creates feelings of warmth and happiness

  • Fills the home with an uplifting fall scent

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about sourcing on sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Harvest essential oil. Enjoy!



  • Discover Solutions Harvest Spice: doTERRA


I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access


We know people are looking for natural sources of comfort and support instead of turning to the commonly used, synthetic solutions. Use Copaiba essential oil to help support the cardiovascular and digestive systems, to help maintain youthful-looking skin, and to soothe discomfort when applied topically. When you make Copaiba a regular part of your day, you’ll understand why it has become one of our most popular oils!

Copaiba is wonderful for daily use. I take two drops under my tongue each night and two soft gels each morning as I start my day. Copaiba is full of a long list of incredible superpowers: powerful antioxidants, fights free radicals, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory. Supports brain health (neuroprotective), protects nerve cells, regulates inflammatory response. Supports healthy blood pressure, stimulates healthy blood flow, and supports strong blood vessels.


FUN FACT: Copaiba trees grow in tropical South America, especially along the Amazon River in Brazil. A copaiba tree is tapped for oleoresin—like how maple syrup is harvested, and then steam-distilled to produce the essential oil.

Copaiba’s main chemical component is beta-caryophyllene (BCP), a chemical similar to cannabinoids found in cannabis that may protect nerve cells and have benefits for the cardiovascular and immune systems. Copaiba works on your endocannabinoid system but it is not a cannabis derivative so it will never show up on a drug test or make you high. The BCP in Copaiba interacts with our CB2 receptors and gives us incredible therapeutic benefits such as pain relief, decreased inflammation, reduced anxiety and nervous system support.

The sourcing of doTERRA’s Copaiba essential oil is from Brazil. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our Copaiba oil on sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Copaiba essential oil. Enjoy!


I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


Roman Chamomile essential oil is known for its calming effect on the skin, mind, and body. It grows close to the ground, reaching only up to a foot in height. The flower looks like a daisy, and smells like apple. Roman Chamomile essential oil is steam distilled from the flower of the plant.

The most common use of chamomile is in teas, Roman Chamomile oil can also be found in face creams, drinks, hair dyes, shampoos, and perfumes. It's a perfect calming oil for babies as well - in the diffuser, in the bath or in a teething relief blend.

Teething Relief Roller Blend

  • 2-5 drops Roman Chamomile

  • 2-5 drops Lavender

Add to a 10ml roller bottle, topped with fractionated coconut oil. Run this along baby’s jawline, back of neck and behind the ears.


  • Add one to two drops to your favorite moisturizer, shampoo, or conditioner to promote youthful-looking skin and hair.

  • Add one to two drops to herbal teas or hot drinks to soothe the body and mind.

  • Diffuse or apply Roman Chamomile oil to bottoms of feet at bedtime.

I’ve gathered some resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Roman Chamomile essential oil. Enjoy!


In the month of February Roman Chamomile is 10% off. Find out more about how to get started with oils here.


For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up



A carrier oil is a vegetable oil derived from the fatty portion of a plant. Usually from the seeds, nuts and kernels. Carrier oils are used to appropriately dilute our powerful essential oils so that they are safe to apply to the skin of all ages and no irritation will occur. Dilution of essential oils with a carrier oil will not diminish the effects of the essential oil. 🥥

Since essential oils are 100% pure, it is advised to dilute them with a carrier oil to use them topically. The base carrier oil in doTERRA’s touch rollers is fractionated coconut oil. You can also make your own touch rollers at home if you have the pure oil and a rollerball. It’s super fun to create combos too.


We love fractionated coconut oil for almost every topical application one might need to do. This carrier is cheap, non-greasy and most skin types love it. Use it everywhere but the face. For the face, we love jojoba or rosehip.

To make a roller bottle take the lid off and pop the roller ball top out of your roller bottle

Add your label of choice to the outside of the roller, figure out which oils and blends you would like to use and add them to your empty 10 ml roller bottle.

Grab your favorite carrier oil of choice and fill the rest of your roller up, almost to the top. Make sure to leave a little room for the roller bottle topper.

Next, gently replace the roller topper and firmly push down so it is sealed and closed. Screw on your lid, give it a good shake and you're good to go. You can also simply mix gentle eo's in your palm with the carrier of choice. Then simply roll onto the area of concern.

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


Balance is a part of my morning ritual. The first diffuser blend I put on in the morning 95% of the time is Elevation and Balance - there is just something about this uplifting and grounding combo. Once the diffuser starts pumping out this gorgeous combo I take two drops of Balance in my palm and breath in deeply. It’s a perfect way to start the day.

This blend is primarily a combination of tree oils and roots - spruce, rosewood, frankincense and blue tansy. It promotes tranquility, connectedness and well-being and has a powerful effect on the central nervous system. The energy of trees are in the present moment, they are stable, they are not in a hurry... it's this soft energy that helps us reconnect to our own roots and stay in the present moment. Balance helps calm emotions, lessen stress, and it has an amazing effect of bringing you out of your head and INTO your body.

doTERRA’s Balance essential oil blend is made of Spruce Leaf, Ho Wood Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Blue Tansy Flower, Blue Chamomile Flower, and Osmanthus Flower essential oils. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Balance essential oil. Enjoy!




I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access



Rose is one of the most precious and sought-after essential oils in the world. Roses have been adored for thousands of years, symbolic of love, beauty, and seduction.

It takes 10,000 rose blossoms to produce just 5 mL of Rose essential oil. But just a drop of Rose essential oil delivers a beautiful fragrance that soothes away stress and uplifts mood.

Rose Touch makes a perfect “PURE”fume and gives an emotionally uplifting aroma. This oil is very moisturizing to the skin (as many floral essential oils are), and may reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. I love layering this oil beneath my favorite skin cream for additional moisture and to help promote a healthy complexion. Rose is incredible to promote emotions of grace, forgiveness, and gentleness to your emotions.


  • Apply to pulse points to uplift mood throughout the day

  • Use on areas of concern twice daily to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections

  • Apply to neck and wrists for a personal fragrance


For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


Yarrow | Pom is a miracle duo comprised of Yarrow essential oil and Pomegranate seed oil. This duo is great for providing antioxidant support, cellular and immune support, and assists with healthy metabolic functions on the inside and very soothing to the skin.


  • Discover Solutions Yarrow|Pom: doTERRA

  • Yarrow|Pom Oil Uses and Benefits: doTERRA

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


Frankincense is a staple in our home - grounding, harmonious and centering. Something you can do for your own daily wellness is put a drop of Frankincense right under your tongue – it’s a really helpful way to support cellular vitality. There are hundreds of scientifically studied uses for Frankincense including how it supports cellular health, brain health, skin health and so much more. I personally take a drop of Frankincense each night for cellular and immune support. Adding it to your facial moisturizer or skin serum is wonderful way to support your skin and cell turnover.

Let’s dive right into all the goodness that Frank will bring to your life, health, and sanity.

Frankincense is the KING of all oils. And for good reason, it’s incredible for so many uses.


  • Apply Frankincense to your hands and wrists after a long day of typing up your end of the year family review

  • Add a few drops to your hand cream or facial moisturizer to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections

  • Add a drop or two to a veggie cap and top with IQ Mega to help with brain fog and support healthy cellular function

  • Looking for some dreamy relaxation time? Add 2 drops of Frankincense and 2 drops of Cardamon to your epsom salts and then add the salts to your warm water (never allow your oils to sit on top of the water for a salt bath to get the maximum benefits).

doTERRA’s Frankincense essential oil is sourced from Oman, Ethiopia and Somaliland. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Frankincense essential oil. Enjoy!



I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access


Magnolia not only offers a calming aroma, it is beneficial to the skin keeping it clean and healthy-looking. Roll this on before your moisturizer for a soothing effect.

Magnolia essential oil contains significant amounts of linalool, which is known for its calming, soothing effects. Clinical research suggests that inhaling Magnolia may promote a relaxed state. I roll this on the bottoms of my feet before bed for a relaxed and calming bedtime routine.


  • Use Magnolia Touch daily as your new signature personal fragrance.

  • When your skin is in need of comfort, roll on Magnolia to provide a soothing touch.

  • Combine topically with Bergamot or Ylang Ylang to promote healthy-looking skin and to customize your daily fragrance.

  • Roll onto the bottoms of your feet to create feelings of calm and relaxation.


  • Discover Solutions Magnolia Touch: doTERRA

  • Spotlight on Magnolia Touch: doTERRA

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


Lavender is the swiss army knife of essential oils! Lavender is calming, soothing and relaxing. The Swiss Army knife name comes in as you can use Lavender for so many things - it’s helpful to whisk you off to dreamland, relax you in a soothing bath, calm the skin and so much more. doTERRA’s Lavender is sourced from France + Bulgaria which are the most ideal spots to grow this beautiful plant for optimum potency.

The sourcing of doTERRA’s Lavender essential oil is from Bulgaria and France. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our Lavender oil on sourcetoyou.com


I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Lavender essential oil. Enjoy!



Maybe you've been hanging out here a while or maybe you are brand new? I truly believe you are not here on accident. Have you been seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Gentler ways? Closer to nature? I would love to offer you a sample of doTERRA essential oil to experience. I have been using natural remedies for over 25 years and I truly believe in the power and potency of these beautiful oils. 💛

Did you know that every oil can have an emotional benefit as well as a physical benefit? Essential oils can be supportive for Stress, Sleep, Energy, Skin, Pain, Reducing toxic load and so much more.
Request your sample here


The calming blend, because stress and pressure in our society can feel relentless. In preliminary studies, the scent of Lavender, a main ingredient of Adaptiv, has been found to contribute to an environment conducive to performing tasks requiring sustained attention. Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum provide stress-relieving effects while Wild Orange and Spearmint energize and uplift. Copaiba and Rosemary soothe anxious feelings to round out the calming blend. Whether you’re feeling fatigued or restless, indecisive or irritable, Adaptiv Calming Blend is part of the toolbox to help the body and mind to stay balanced.

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com


I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Adaptiv essential oil. Enjoy!


Maybe you've been hanging out here a while or maybe you are brand new? I truly believe you are not here on accident. Have you been seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Gentler ways? Closer to nature? I would love to offer you a sample of doTERRA essential oil to experience. I have been using natural remedies for over 25 years and I truly believe in the power and potency of these beautiful oils. 💛

Did you know that every oil can have an emotional benefit as well as a physical benefit? Essential oils can be supportive for Stress, Sleep, Energy, Skin, Pain, Reducing toxic load and so much more.
Request your sample here


Lemon is like a ray of sunshine coming into your life and into your body to clear and cleanse. The amazing purifying qualities that doTERRA Lemon has within your body lends it to be called one of the best purifiers. Taking just a drop each morning in your water can create a subtle cleansing affect and boost the mood. Diffusing into the air can change the room entirely purifying the energies, the smells, anything that needs to be uplifted.

I’m starting a hello, oils series to share details about all the oils in the Healthy Essentials kit. Lemon is the first in the series.

While lemon juice extracted from the pulp serves up as a nice refreshing summer drink... it is quite different than its respective lemon essential oil which is super concentrated, potent and sourced from the rind by cold-pressing.

From a scientific perspective, lemon essential oil is much higher in limonene, making it a powerful antioxidant and a cleansing agent beneficial for purging the body of toxins. It also aids in digestion, supports healthy respiratory function and provides immune system support, especially during seasonal changes. Furthermore, unlike lemon juice, lemon essential oil does NOT contain citric acid and does not erode tooth enamel and is easier to ingest for those with sensitive stomachs.

The sourcing of doTERRA’s Lemon essential oil is from Italy and Brazil with families who have grown this beautiful citrus for generations. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our Lemon oil on sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Lemon essential oil. Enjoy!




I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access



A beautiful cleansing oil that supports toxin elimination from the body, stimulates the lymphatic system, eases anxiety, and uplifts the mood. Its powerful aroma is so energizing! Even just smelling it straight from the bottle leaves me feeling uplifted!

It's also called "The Oil of Abundance" and is beautiful to use alongside your manifesting, journaling and gratitude practices... it inspires abundance, fosters creativity, supports a positive mood, restores physical energy and aids in transitions.

  • Wild orange essential oil is a powerful cleanser and purifying agent

  • Internal use supports healthy immune function*

  • Creates an uplifting environment


For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of Wild Orange at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up



Have you ever smelled something and you were immediately transported to another time or place? I know I have. Like being transported to being near my grandmother when I smell lilacs or being in my childhood kitchen when I smell chocolate chip cookies. I love those memories.

The power and science of smell is incredible. Imagine you are out for a walk and you stop to inhale the fragrance of a rose in full bloom. Or maybe you catch the aroma of fresh rosemary while cooking in the kitchen. These scents can create a shift in our mood, wake us up (or lull us to sleep), and they can, in fact, transport us to another time. Aromatherapy has a positive effect on our mental and physical states by working with the limbic system.

Essential oils contain massive concentrations of powerful plant chemicals and can stimulate the subconscious with their scents bringing feelings of alertness, happiness, calm, relaxation, or sleepiness. These aromas can elicit powerful physiologic, mental, and emotional responses. By using aromatherapy to keep negative states of being such as stress, tension, and sleeplessness at bay, we are able to give our overall health a boost.

Hello Adaptiv and Balance! Where have you been all my life? 💛

Did you know that inhaling your essential oils was such an exceptional way to support your emotional AND physical health? ...our bodies are SO incredible!

Now you may be wondering how the Limbic System actually works. Well, let’s dive in! As a person inhales an essential oil, the molecules of the oil go into the back of each nostril to the epithelium patch where the molecules attach to receptors on the cilia hairs. These convert to nerves that send the odor information to the olfactory bulb in the brain. This bulb communicates directly with the amygdala, hippocampus, and other brain structures.

Still with me? 🙃🙃🙃 Good! Getting to the good stuff - promise!

The amygdala is the center for emotions in the limbic system and it links our sense of smell to our ability to learn emotionally. (Hello EMOTIONAL BRAIN) The capacity to link information and emotions is why essential oils are such a powerful partner in creating and maintaining emotional health. This is EXACTLY why smells will trigger memories more than seeing an image, tasting food, or even listening to music! Some of our most popular oils to start to anchor your emotional brain are citrus oils, as they provoke happy, uplifting, and supportive emotions in most people.

Let’s break down how you can use essential oils aromatically.

✅ The easiest way is to simply open a bottle and simply breathe in the aroma through the nose. This process is called direct inhalation. Pretty straightforward, right?

To enhance this method, place a drop of an oil or blend in the hands, rub them together and then cup around the nose and mouth and breathe in. You can also place drops of oil on a piece of cloth or tissue and hold it close to your face and inhale.

✅ The next method is to use an ultrasonic diffuser which is beneficial for affecting mood, cleansing the air, and changing the aroma of a space (think non-toxic Febreze!) Diffusers are devices that can be used to evaporate an oil into the surrounding environment.

If you’re like me then you probably have one in each room in your house and have by now tossed all the candles and Plug-ins in the trash. If you haven’t, there is no time like the present.

✅ Lastly, you can add essential oils to water or to alcohol (such as vodka) in a spray bottle, and then the mixture can be sprayed in the air, on surfaces, or on the body.

Here are some fun diffuser blends to try -

A perfect way to get your aromatic journey started is with our Aroma Essentials Kit. This new collection (which is available as an enrollment kit and for LRP) is the Laluz Diffuser and ten 5ml bottles of our most popular essential oils and blends.

The collection includes:

  • Wild Orange - perfect to diffuse to brighten and uplift

  • Peppermint - for that afternoon pick me up in the diffuser, perfect to pair with a citrus oil

  • Balance - diffuse Balance to ground and center

  • On Guard - the oil you will want to diffuse to clear and cleanse the air in your home

  • Serenity - troubles falling asleep? look no further than adding Serenity to your nighttime diffuser

  • Breathe - perfect to diffuse to support any respiratory or allergy issues in your home

  • Cheer - diffuse Cheer to inspire brightness and optimism

  • Northern Escape - to bring the grounded scent of peace and an escape to the forest

  • Citrus Bloom - your favorite spring time blend - brightens and freshens in the diffuser

  • Adaptiv - diffuse to create a tranquil, stress free environment

Learn more about bringing oils into your life here


Tea Tree is an incredible first aid and skin cleansing essential oil! Tea Tree (often called Melaleuca) is best known for its purifying, cleansing, and disinfectant properties. It’s anti-bacterial, anti- fungal, anti-microbial. Tea Tree can be used to cleanse and purify the skin and nails and support a healthy complexion. This is great for any spot treatments when you notice blemishes start to appear on your face.

doTERRA’s Tea Tree essential oil is sourced from Australia and Kenya. For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our Tea Tree at sourcetoyou.com

Let’s dive right into all the goodness that Tea Tree will bring to your life -

  • Use as a spot treatment and apply directly to blemishes. Or add 1 drop to your hand with your face cleanser if acne prone. (doTERRA makes a great face cleanser for acne prone called HD Clear)

  • Add 1-2 drops to liquid coconut oil and massage into acne prone areas or skin breakage areas

  • 1 drop applied to a wart a few times a day and it will be gone.

  • Super effective for ear infections too - just massage around the affected ear several times a day. Use lavender for this as well.

  • Massage into nails & cuticles to strengthen + heal any fungal issues.

  • Add a few drops to a vinegar + water solution for all purpose house cleaning.

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Tea Tree essential oil. Enjoy!


I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access



Introducing Mālama™!  Get ready for the most beautiful combination of fruity, woody, and floral! This beautiful blend comes from the Hawaiian culture, and represents being good stewards and using the precious gifts of the earth to share hope and healing with others. When you use this blend, let it be a reminder to nurture and take care of  yourself, your communities, and your environment.💛

To celebrate this Mother’s Day and highlight the special Co-Impact Sourcing® work done with KMR, doTERRA created this new essential oil blend.

Mālama is a new blend of Wild Orange, Cedarwood, Amyris, Coriander, Lemongrass, minty Bucchu, and spicy Sichuan Pepper. Plus, Malama contains sweet Magnolia, floral Cananga, and resonant ‘Iliahi (Sandalwood) and Naio Wood. All of these oils play together to create a vibrant and warm aroma.

Mālama is available for purchase by itself or with the new Pilot MAX diffuser while supplies last (4 per account).




  • Diffuse in your favorite doTERRA diffuser throughout the day.

  • Blend with doTERRA SPA Hand & Body Lotion or a carrier oil for a comforting massage experience.

  • Put one to two drops onto your wrists or diffuser jewelry.

  • Add five to eight drops to dryer sheets or balls to add a delightful aroma to your laundry.


For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


It's a fun month as there are a bunch of new doTERRA products launching including the MetaPWR system kit which you may have been hearing a lot of buzz about! ✨

Highlights of what you’ll find in the kit:

MetaPWR™ Metabolic Blend - At the heart of the system is this essential oil blend—a uniquely formulated blend of Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils, featured in every product in the line. Helps to reduce sugar cravings and inhibit growth of fat cells.

MetaPWR™ Metabolic Assist - helps you crush the carbs at your biggest meal of the day, reducing those post-meal glucose spikes. The mulberry ingredient basically binds to carbohydrates, so the glucose doesn’t hit your blood stream as quickly.

MetaPWR™ Advantage - this is the most innovative product in the system. This supplement will slow biological ageing.

The path to optimal health is not as complicated as it seems, and we are going to help you trust your body in doing what it knows to do.

In the month of November we will be running our META30 program. Join us for our community Metabolic Makeover! Free to you as part of our doTERRA community.

Do you have an interest in:
✨ glowing skin
✨ deeper sleep
✨ consistent energy
✨ improved cognition
✨ weight release
✨ improved digestion
✨ stronger immunity
✨ less anxious feelings⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Well all of this comes when you are metabolically flexible!

And we have created a program to help you integrate doTERRA’s MetaPWR System and give yourself a METABOLIC MAKEOVER!

Doors are now open to request to join us for our program running Nov 1 - 30th. Order your kit and join us for this incredible program.

Join us for our upcoming MetaPWR Health Class + Program Overview on Oct 3rd @ 8pm EST to learn more about the kit and the program.

Please email hi@essentialkate.com if I can answer any questions or help you get started.

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up


With doTERRA's start kits the statistic is is that 80% of things that come up in your home can be handled with oils. The oils in our enrollment kits can help with anything from sleep support, digestive support, immune support, pain support, mental wellbeing and so much more. 🍃

There are hundreds of uses from the Healthy Start Kit! 💛 I have personal stories with each one of these oils and I can tell you my home doesn't feel complete without them. They offer so much goodness and so much support. I feel so grateful to lean on these gifts from the Earth and wanted to open up that door to you to lean on in what's possible for your wellness.

The oils that are included in this kit are -

🌸 Lavender is calming, soothing, and relaxing
🍃 Frankincense is a staple in our home - grounding, harmonious and centering
🌸 Lemon is cleansing, refreshing and uplifting
🍃 Peppermint eases tension headaches + energizes
🌸 Tea Tree is an incredible first aid and skin cleansing essential oil
🍃 Oregano oil has been used for centuries in traditional practices
🌸 On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats
🍃 DigestZen supports healthy digestion
🌸 Breathe helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats
🍃 Deep Blue is a soothing and cooling oil blend

Having these oils in your home is like having an arsenal of goodness. You can turn to the oils as your first line of defense. I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes about each of the oils. Click on each image below for resources, diy recipes and videos on each essential oil.

I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

Join our thriving doTERRA essential oil community for a Free Intro to Essential Oils class - click here to sign up



I've ditched candles in favor of essential oil diffusers. I’ve ended up with diffusers all over my home - in my office, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. My diffusers are one of my favorite parts of my home. The way they make me feel, the ambience they create and the scent they fill our home with is intoxicating, not to mention the extreme benefits they provide mentally, emotionally and physically.

I wanted to walk you through simply how to get your diffuser set up from the box, how I clean mine and some favorite diffuser blends you can make with your starter kit.


+ Always remember to use clean, room temp to cool water in your diffuser. If you have reverse osmosis or filter water in your house, use that. It will prolong the life of your diffuser

+ Plug your diffuser in and make sure the plug is connected to the diffuser itself (Petal is at the back, all other diffusers are on the bottom)

+ Add 5-8 drops of essential oil. You are welcome to add more for a stronger scent or if you're filling a larger space, or less if the room is small. I usually experiment with my oils and have come to know what oils let off a stronger scent than others

+ Avoid placing your diffuser in direct sunlight


+ Make sure to unplug your diffuser before cleaning (to save both you + the diffuser from a horrible death)

+ Dump the water out of the back of the diffuser so we don't soak the buttons

+ Wipe out the inside of the water tank with a paper towel or tissue

+ Dump in some vinegar or rubbing alcohol, let it soak for a few minutes, dump

+ Give it one last wipe

+ If you're finding the diffuser still has some extra residue, use a q-tip to wipe out the bottom part a bit more


These blends below are some of our absolute favorites to get you started on the right foot, using the starter kit you purchased.


I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access
