If you're curious about getting started with doTERRA oils keep reading - I’d love to help you get started on your doTERRA journey. Read on below to get details on starter kits.


doTERRA is the largest + most transparent essential oil company in the world with over 9 million customers. Here’s why:

The Co-Impact sourcing model: doTERRA sources globally and not only that - they work WITH the farmers there to create a better economy. You can learn more about the integrity of this sourcing model by checking out Source To You. There, you can also scan the code on the bottom of your doTERRA bottle to see the most recent 3rd party testing report. 

Their commitment to purity through CPTG: There is no governing body overseeing the essential oil industry. So that means there is no reason for a brand to be honest about what is in that bottle of 100% pure frankincense they’re selling for $7. This is why doTERRA created the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade stamp of quality (CPTG) so that you know doTERRA stands for having the highest quality, highest purity and most sustainably sourced essential oil in the world. Each doTERRA oil goes through 54 different quality tests both in house and through the 3rd party lab APRC (Aromatic Plant Research Center)    


✔️ Our Supernatural Recipe Guide
✔️ Our Green Cleaning eBook
✔️ Our Essential 30 cleanse
✔️ Our Healthy Habits program
✔️ Our 3 month email series
✔️ Our 8 week continuing education series (offered in April and October each year)
✔️ Access to our private Essential Oil FB Community
✔️ Access to our private Business Builder FB Group if this interests you

Once you've purchased your starter kit, you'll receive a welcome email from me connecting you to all our team resources + a personal consultation. I’ll also send a fun welcome package out your way via snail mail.
We have a lot of goodness waiting for you.


Along with having these incredible oils at your fingertips, you’ll also want to have a resource guide that you can flip open every time you say,  I wonder if I could use an oil for this?” Through our email education series, we will guide you through your first 3 months of using your oils. And we will link you up with some free + paid resources that you will love!


A doTERRA wholesale account works just like Costco. You open up your account by choosing a starter kit and then you will have your own 25% off discount to shop doTERRA for a full year whenever you want! Click on any of the starter kit images to learn more about each one.

Pick from a Starter Kit below to begin your doTERRA journey -

  • Click Here or link to the QR code provided below

  • Choose the starter kit you’re drawn to. You can add other items to your cart if you’d like and they will be at the 25% off price

  • Fill in your personal info

  • Finalize your shipping and payment options.  Click ‘Process Order Now & Continue’


On the last screen, you’ll be given the option of creating a monthly customized order called Loyalty Rewards. This is a rewards program where you order your essential oils, supplements and self care products monthly,  they arrive in a box on your doorstep and you earn your shipping back and free products points each month through it! Here’s a short video that explains it if you’re interested in it:

I’d love to welcome you to our oil community! 

Please email hi@essentialkate.com if I can answer any questions or help you get started, 

XO, Kathie

P.S. If you want to learn more before you get started I offer samples and classes.
I’d love to help you incorporate these natural solutions into your life.