When I started my journey with doTERRA I started with the Healthy Start Kit. In all honesty I wish I had started with a bigger kit (more oils!). But I’m happy with and very grateful for what I got started with. I dove in right away to experience these little brown bottles of goodness.

My initial comfort zone oils were Lavender, Lemon and Tea Tree (Melaluca) as I have been using these oils for many years from another company. The difference when opening those oils for the first time was immediately noticeable! I was amazed by the purity of the scents and once I started applying them to different areas of my life I was amazed by the results as well.

The surprises in the box for me were Peppermint and Frankincense. I had for many years stayed away from Peppermint – Peppermint Oil, Peppermint tea – they just kind of turned me off and I just couldn’t work with Peppermint at all. When I opened my kit I pretty much left Peppermint closed for a while, I grin at the thought of this now as Peppermint has become one of my daily used oils. My teacher that I started this journey with loves Peppermint. I saw her continue to comment on it in different videos which finally convinced me to open it. I was blown away (in a good way)! And now it’s become a daily used oil for me – for head tension and to give me a boost of energy.

Frankincense also surprised me. I hadn’t previously had any experience with this oil. I didn’t much like the smell at first and thought it would be one that I would shove to the back of my box. The scent has sincerely grown on me. It’s called the King of oils for a reason – it has amazing cellular support. I reach for this one everyday now as well, especially in rollerball form. It gives me comfort and grounding.

I could honestly talk about each one in the kit but that would be a very long post. I will instead comment on some of the additional items that I have purchased from doTERRA that I feel have made a huge impact in my life.

  • Lifelong Vitality (LLV) – This pack of vitamins is designed to help promote energy, health, and lifelong vitality and they certainly do. I have noticed my brain fog disappearing and increased energy. I don’t want to be a day without these.

  • Adaptiv – A wonderful line that combats stress and anxiety. I reach for my Adaptiv rollerball whenever I’m feeling stressed or can’t calm my mind. The line includes capsules and a full bottle of pure oil as well that I put to use many times a week.

  • Serenity – This is always in the diffuser at night. As my husband and I get ready to go to sleep we have this going in the diffuser to create a calming, restful environment.

  • ClaryCalm – This is a women’s best friend during that time of the month. Just glide the oil over your belly and cramps melt away - what an incredible tool.

  • FLOOM – This combo of oils gives a real immune boost when you are feeling rundown. It actually combines many of the oils that come in the enrollment kits – Frankincense, Lemon, On Guard, Oregano and Tea Tree (Melaluca). All you need to do is to add 2 drops each into an empty capsule and voila you have a very supportive blend of oils.

  • Rose Oil – This is pretty much #1 in the bag of rollerball oils I keep next to me each day. It’s immediately calming, soothing and just brings you back to the present moment. The scent is divine!

Like I said before I could go on. The oils from my original kit and all the oils/products I have purchased since then have made a profound impact on my life. I rely on them from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed at night for anything from immune health, an energy boost, stress relief, sleep support, uplifting the vibe in my house, non-toxic home cleaning, skincare – the list goes on!

If you are curious and want to learn more about doTERRA essential oils I teach essential oil classes and offer samples for you to experience the oils firsthand. Click here for more info.

doTERRA is also so much more than oils so I wanted to leave you with these videos so you can see the beautiful impact they have in the world.

Maybe you've been hanging out here a while or maybe you are brand new? I truly believe you are not here on accident. Have you been seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Gentler ways? Closer to nature? I would love to offer you a sample of doTERRA essential oil to experience. I have been using natural remedies for over 25 years and I truly believe in the power and potency of these beautiful oils. 💛

Did you know that every oil can have an emotional benefit as well as a physical benefit? Essential oils can be supportive for Stress, Sleep, Energy, Skin, Pain, Reducing toxic load and so much more.
Request your sample here