
It’s that time of year...the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming… and unfortunately for us, the sun is shining on every spec of dust in the house. 🙈 By now we have probably all started our spring cleaning (if not- no judgment!) so I wanted to spend the month talking to you about how to make simple swaps to keep your household as low tox as possible! 💛

Luckily for us, dōTERRA provides all-natural options, both for the DIYer and the non-DIYer to keep our homes free of chemicals and toxins.

The common everyday products MANY households use are working against you.

You may be wondering...wait!? What!?...but Kathie, this says “natural” on the label. So I am good right!?

We need to evaluate the label because even many “natural” products are LOADED with chemicals, phthalates, and hormone disruptors that are bombarding your body. 😲

I want to bring some awareness into your household cleaners, “air fresheners”, yours and your kid’s personal care products because these are all areas that can be loaded with ingredients that are massively detrimental to your health.

There is good news! Making your home healthier does not have to be expensive or complicated. Check out some of the tips, tricks, and recipes below to make our lives easier, greener, and save you money! And follow along on Instagram @essentialkate_ or on Facebook at for more low-tox tips throughout the month of May.

Here are some incredible recipes to get you started and if you want to go further in exploring Green Cleaning grab the ebook here.


Maybe you've been hanging out here a while or maybe you are brand new? I truly believe you are not here on accident. Have you been seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Gentler ways? Closer to nature? I would love to offer you a sample of doTERRA essential oil to experience. I have been using natural remedies for over 25 years and I truly believe in the power and potency of these beautiful oils. 💛

Did you know that every oil can have an emotional benefit as well as a physical benefit? Essential oils can be supportive for Stress, Sleep, Energy, Skin, Pain, Reducing toxic load and so much more.
Request your sample here
