I wanted to introduce you to each of the essential oils in the Healthy Essentials Kit. The statistic is that 80% of things that come up in your home can be handled with oils. The oils in our Healthy Essentials enrollment kit can help with anything from sleep support, digestive support, immune support, pain support, mental wellbeing and so much more. Having these oils in your home is like having an arsenal of goodness. You can turn to the oils as your first line of defense. I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes about each of the oils. Click on each image below for resources, diy recipes and videos on each essential oil.

I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access