Green Mandarin has a sweet and slightly floral fragrance which is unique among citrus oils. It's grown in Brazil and cold pressed from unripened mandarin fruit which is a typical process to create citrus essential oils. Add to your water for a fresh and unique citrus taste, diffuse to brighten / cleanse your home environment and add to home cleaning sprays. Green Mandarin oil is also a perfect ingredient to create a natural perfume - it blends well with sandalwood, lavender and other citrus oils.


I think Green Mandarin is an unsung hero. Green Mandarin is comparable to Lemon due to its high limonene content (making it perfect for cleaning household surfaces → add 15 drops to your next batch of On Guard Spray). It is also a great oil for digestive support and supporting healthy immune function. I love this oil when I want to change up my daily Grapefruit water. It’s slightly sweet and perfectly citrusy.

Green Mandarin is 10% off in the month of February

For doTERRA the sourcing is one of the biggest keys of creating a pure product. Find out more about the sourcing of our oils at sourcetoyou.com

I’ve gathered some videos, resources and diy recipes below so you can learn all about Green Mandarin essential oil. Enjoy!



I am so excited you’re here because I know you are passionate about finding a natural approach to your health + self care. I’ve prepared a little info for you to look through as well as some of the resources you will have access to as part of our essential oil community! Click here to access