
Exploring using essential oils with cats is so fascinating. 🐈 

I feel so confident in using doTERRA oils around my kitties since their testing is so extensive and their purity is unmatched. 💛 Synthetic oils and scents can really have a negative effect on pets and the household in general so I avoid those to focus on doTERRA only. I have two cats at home with me now. I diffuse multiple times daily in all rooms of the house. My kitties actually love it and stay around for it but I always leave the door open to the room we are in case they want to leave. The only oil I've ever noticed one of my kitties did not like was Peppermint when I diffused it so I tend to avoid diffusing that one. I love to create new combos so I am always experimenting.

If you are exploring using essential oils on or around your pets it's always good to go slowly and see what their personality likes.


Top ten oils for kitties

  • Lavender - Promotes calm and relaxation and is excellent for skin irritations.

  • Copaiba - Supports the skin, joints and gut health.

  • Balance® - Helps ease anxious feelings and promotes relaxation

  • Myrrh - Soothes the skin and is a powerful cleansing agent for the mouth and throat.

  • TerraShield® - Naturally repel insects. Make a DIY flea collar.

  • Arborvitae - Naturally repel insects and evoke feelings of calm.

  • Juniper Berry - Supports the healthy function of the kidneys and urinary tract

  • Frankincense - Supports healthy cellular function.

  • DigestZen® - Helps reduce gas, bloating and occasional indigestion. Ideal for long road trips.

  • Helichrysum - Promotes energy and vitality and is soothing to the skin.



I would love to invite you to an Intro to Essential Oils class
You'll learn about the top oils to overhaul your natural medicine cabinet, the three ways to use essential oils, what oils can bring to your life and so much more. Being armed with essential oils in your home will help with immune support, emotional support, digestive support, mental wellbeing and so much more. It's so nice to have these at your fingertips for whatever you need - it's completely empowering!

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